Thursday, August 24, 2006

Palm Harbor Duathlon July 2006

I actually had another collapsed lung (pneumothorax) 2 weeks prior to this race, but decided to go for it anyway. It was a 3 mile run-10 mile bike- 1 mile run. The first run went alright, lung was burning and I slowed up, but was okay. Bike portion was horrible. I was on my QR Monitor Tri Bike that I had bought from a friend a couple years ago. The problems started during the transition. It was set up in a sandy and muddy area. It had rained heavy during the first leg, so it was really messy. My shoes got clogged up with all the mud and sand that I could not click into my peddles. I tried to clean them and shake them clean, but nothing worked. So, I rode that way. I kept slipping off every time I changed a gear. I almost bit the dust on 2 hair pin turns. The bike was hard enough to handle in perfect conditions.
I made it to the 2nd run, barely, and felt like someone had beaten me up with a baseball bat during that last leg. One mile sure can be far. Mental note to self: do more BRICKS.
I did place in my age group (the awards went deep).

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